The infamous group known as 'Contami' sparked a catastrophic nuclear war due to their insatiable greed. The resulting devastation has turned humanity into a horde of zombies, contaminated by the chemicals of nuclear bombs. The Contamies have harnessed the power of these zombies to conquer the apocalyptic world. However, a small group of survivors have formed alliances to fight back against the Contamies. 🔻 Stylish Combat : Get ready to face the challenge of the apocalypse with our exciting game. Engage in stylish combat to defeat zombies and Contamies, and fight to survive. 🔻 Scavenge : To stay alive in this post-apocalyptic world, you'll need to scavenge for resources and craft necessary items. Gather materials and create weapons, tools, and other essential gear to help you survive. 🔻 Craft Items : With our crafting system, you can make weapons, cars and armor to grow your team of survivors and improve your chances of success. 🔻 Shelter Extension : Extend your shelter and upgrade essential buildings to improve your chances of survival. 🔸Fight to survive against hordes of swarming zombies! 🔸Collect materials and craft essential items to improve your chances of staying alive. 🔸 Enjoy an exciting story and explore various maps as you progress through the game. 🔸 Immerse yourself in the gameplay with simple controls that make it easy to jump right in. __________________________________________ Social media : Email : [email protected]
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Updated: 14-10-2024, 21:41 / Price: Free USD / Author: Y4APK
Updated: 14-10-2024, 21:41 / Price: Free USD / Author: Y4APK